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Facing the New Normal: Transition to Post-Pandemic Life

In recent weeks, it seems that a new hope is awakening. With the widening availability of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as the arrival of spring weather, we wonder if a "return to normal" could be just around the bend. Of course, it's impossible to know for sure how soon that may happen, or even whether the new normal will resemble our lives before the pandemic.

Helping Your Grieving Child Cope with ‘Pandemic Fatigue’

It's been nearly a year since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and very few aspects of daily life are “back to normal.” Recent articles in the media have explored the toll that this extended crisis has taken on many teens and kids.

School Stress and Grieving Children

A few months into the COVID-19 crisis, many families have settled into a "new normal" routine of juggling everyone's needs while staying safe at home. However, online school continues to be a source of stress and frustration for most kids and teens — and their parents or caregivers, too.

How to Talk to Kids About COVID-19

No matter where you turn, COVID-19 is a topic of conversation. For children and teens already dealing with grief and loss, this can create a heightened sense of anxiety. So how do parents reassure their kids during these uncertain times? It’s important for parents and caregivers to stay calm and answer any questions that children may have.

How to Model Self-Care in a Time of Loss

Families are often advised to support children in stressful times by offering one-on-one quality time, affirming words and encouragement. This is sometimes described with the image of “filling your child’s cup.”

Impact of COVID-19 on Teen Suicide Risk

Many young people are having difficulty coping with the extended isolation caused by the COVID-19 virus. Recently there has been widespread discussion about whether COVID-19 could lead to an uptick in the rate of teen suicides, as connecting with peers is such an important aspect of adolescent development. For teens already at risk, knowing someone who has died from the virus could play a significant role in suicide risk.

Back to School During COVID-19: Helping Your Child with Grief or Anxiety

This year, with all the changes that COVID-19 has brought to the start of school, many families are finding the transition to school unusually challenging.

Self-Care Strategies for Parents & Caregivers

When Kids Path counselors talk with families after a loved one has died, the counselors ask whether that person would like grief support for themselves as well. Very often that person will say, "I'm OK right now, and I just want to focus on making sure my child is getting support."

How to Talk to Kids about Grief and Loss

As Kids Path grief counselors, we frequently hear questions from parents and caregivers about what to say — and what not to say — when a loved one has died. Adults often feel unprepared for these conversations with young children, and they may worry that they will inadvertently "say the wrong thing."

The Impact of COVID-19 for Grieving Teens

By Tracy Hart, LCMHC With multiple disruptions in our normal lives due to the novel coronavirus, many families are struggling to adjust to numerous changes in daily routine and the...