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What is Advanced Illness Care?
Advanced Illness Care, sometimes called palliative care, is specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses. Through this consultation service, we can help patients and families achieve better quality of life by assisting with advance care planning, relieving symptoms of the serious illness and establishing goals of care.
Who provides Advanced Illness Care?
AuthoraCare’s team of experts includes board-certified nurse practitioners, a nurse clinical navigator, social worker, program coordinator and physician medical director. They will offer expert guidance at every step.
Who can benefit from Advanced Illness Care?
Patients with life-limiting illnesses, including: Cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF), kidney disease, liver disease, dementia, HIV/AIDS, stroke, persistent coma and many others.
Patients or families wishing to discuss advance care planning, including: Understanding your illness and choices for medical care, review of advance directives, help with navigating the health system and comfort-directed therapy.
Patients with symptoms and stress of a serious illness, including: Pain, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, coughing, delirium, insomnia, anxiety, agitation and severe dysphagia.
Timing for Advanced Illness Care: On the Road of Life
We need a verbal or written request from your provider. Our team will work in partnership with your provider by coordinating and communicating any changes in your plan of care needs or wishes.
Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurances cover palliative care. Physical therapy or home health services can be received simultaneously with palliative care. Our program coordinator is available to answer any questions regarding cost concerns.
would recommend us
“All of the people who helped us were so respectful of me and of my husband. They let me know I was not alone in providing the best possible care for my husband. Our nurse was always there for us.”
— The wife of a patient
Do you think you or your loved one could benefit from an advanced illness care consultation?