Kids Path Blog

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Thank You to Our 2020 Holiday Cheer & Sam’s Wish Fund Donors

Each holiday season, AuthoraCare Collective collects gifts and monetary donations to provide children and families who are struggling financially with gifts. In 2020, we raised more than $18,500 in gifts and donations.

Is My Child Grieving Normally?

Children tend to respond to death very differently from their adult family members. Kids Path counselors often receive questions from parents and caregivers who are worried about how their child is coping with a recent loss.

Facing the New Normal: Transition to Post-Pandemic Life

In recent weeks, it seems that a new hope is awakening. With the widening availability of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as the arrival of spring weather, we wonder if a "return to normal" could be just around the bend. Of course, it's impossible to know for sure how soon that may happen, or even whether the new normal will resemble our lives before the pandemic.

Helping Kids Cope with Loss at the Holidays

We expect the holidays to be a magical and happy time. This year, the holiday season may be challenging because of the many aspects of loss and separation caused by COVID-19. Families who were already grieving a loved one before the pandemic may find it especially stressful to navigate holiday expectations.

How to Talk to Your Child About Coronavirus (COVID-19)

By Tracy Hart, LCMHC The spread of coronavirus (also called COVID-19) has caused disruptions in the daily routine of many families, including the closure of schools and workplaces. You may...

How to Talk to Children about Pet Loss

By Tracy Hart, LCMHC For many children, their first experience with mortality is the death of a pet. Families are often unsure about the correct way to handle this situation...

How to Talk to Children and Teens about Suicide Loss

It can feel daunting to explain suicide to a child, particularly if you are already coping with confusion and shock. The following are tips about how to discuss this type...

Social Media and Grieving Teens

Kids Path counselors often get questions from the caregivers of teenagers about whether social media apps like Snapchat and Instagram are unhealthy for their child. Common concerns include “Is my...

When a Death Changes Everything: Supporting Children Through “Secondary Loss”

For kids and teens, grieving the loss of a loved one can sometimes be further complicated by related changes. The death of a parent or guardian might result in the...

Why Grieving Kids Get “Clingy”

Separation anxiety can be a common response to a significant loss for preschool or elementary-age children. You may find that your child has difficulty letting you out of their sight...