Tag Archive: caregivers


How to Communicate with your Grieving Teen

  Adolescence can be an exciting time of self-discovery and identity development. However, as adolescents seek more independence, families may find this time filled with disagreements and periods of irritability...

What’s going to happen next? Grappling With the Unknowns of Illness, Death and Dying

Some things that are comforting: control, knowledge, predictability and routine. Some things that are uncomfortable: lack of control, the unknown, unpredictability and chaos. When faced with a serious illness, having...

When Your Child Is Having a Meltdown: Tips for Keeping Your Cool

After the loss of a loved one, your child may become upset at circumstances that would normally feel minor. Although these meltdowns can feel distressing to parents, they often function...

Holiday Travel and Serious Illness

When a loved one is sick, figuring out how to coordinate holiday gatherings can be a real challenge, particularly if you have family that lives far away. Before deciding what...

Hospice Care: Dealing with Family Conflict

When a loved one has a serious illness, it is natural for family to gather to spend time together and provide support. Family dynamics are complex and unique. However, the...

Caregiving and Back Injuries: Prevention is Key

In a job where being able to move freely is essential, back injuries can be career-ending. By definition, caregiving requires assisting others in the activities of daily living when they...

Helping Kids Talk About “Big Feelings”

Losing a loved one or coping with serious illness can be stressful for children, particularly those too young to effectively express emotions using words. Children may feel confused about experiencing...

Should My Child Attend the Funeral?

Kids Path counselors are often asked, “Is it a good idea for my child to attend our loved one’s funeral or memorial service?” Our response to this question varies because...

The Selfless Act of Self-Care

When caregiving for a loved one who is seriously ill or nearing death, taking care of yourself often falls to the bottom of your priority list. “I’ll be fine,” “Don’t...

Caregiving for the Aging Senses Part 3: Hearing

Hearing is a degenerative sense, meaning that it naturally deteriorates with age. The tiny hairs in our ears (called stereocilia) that process sound become damaged with age and exposure to...