Tag Archive: aging parents

The Power of Knowing: Identifying and Addressing Social Isolation

The Power of Knowing Identifying and Addressing Social Isolation Tuesday, March 12 | Noon to 1 p.m. According to U.S. Census Bureau surveys, Americans have been spending less time with...

What’s going to happen next? Grappling With the Unknowns of Illness, Death and Dying

Some things that are comforting: control, knowledge, predictability and routine. Some things that are uncomfortable: lack of control, the unknown, unpredictability and chaos. When faced with a serious illness, having...

Holiday Travel and Serious Illness

When a loved one is sick, figuring out how to coordinate holiday gatherings can be a real challenge, particularly if you have family that lives far away. Before deciding what...

Hospice Care: Dealing with Family Conflict

When a loved one has a serious illness, it is natural for family to gather to spend time together and provide support. Family dynamics are complex and unique. However, the...

The Selfless Act of Self-Care

When caregiving for a loved one who is seriously ill or nearing death, taking care of yourself often falls to the bottom of your priority list. “I’ll be fine,” “Don’t...

Caregiving for the Aging Senses Part 3: Hearing

Hearing is a degenerative sense, meaning that it naturally deteriorates with age. The tiny hairs in our ears (called stereocilia) that process sound become damaged with age and exposure to...

Caregiving for the Aging Senses Part 2: Touch

A tight embrace from a loved one. The soft warmth of a newborn baby on your chest. The soothing comfort of petting a dog. Touch is our physical connection to...

Caregiving for the Aging Senses Part 1: Vision

It is no secret that eyesight tends to deteriorate with age. The age-old trope of a grandma with thick-lensed glasses is so ingrained in society that we practically expect our...

Lunch & Learn: Options for Senior Living – October 5

Options for Senior Living: My parents want to stay in their home, but will that work? When your parents’ care needs escalate, how can you make sound, practical decisions about...

Long-Distance Caregiving

Providing care for a loved one that is not close to home can be difficult. Fortunately, long-distance caregiving is not unusual and there are plenty of options to help care...