No Regrets – A Hospice Story
Pam Young has no regrets, but if she had it all to do over, she would like to have learned about Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro (HPCG)sooner. At age...
Tips For Bedside Care
The following are some bedside care tips provided by The Hospice Patients Alliance… Making arrangements for Assistance: If you have even a few friends or family members who are willing to help...
As Children Become Caregivers
Human nature dictates that we often experience child-parent struggles. The blurring of identities as our parents advance in age and we become their caregivers frequently intensifies these struggles. This can...
Improving End-Of-Life Care For Those With Intellectual Disabilities
Claire Lavin is a professor of psychology at the College of New Rochelle in Westchester County, New York. A licensed clinical and school psychologist, she works with children and adults with...
National Doctor’s Day
An excerpt from George H.W. Bush’s proclamation…February 21, 1991 “More than the application of science and technology, medicine is a special calling, and those who have chosen this vocation in...
Coping With Loss
Original article written by Richard Tedeschi, Ph.D. – a licensed psychologist who specializes in bereavement and trauma. He also is a professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina...
When You’re the One Left Behind
I just never saw this coming,” explained Susan Dennison as she talked about her husband’s sudden death in 2009. As a social worker by profession, Dennison wanted to model healthy...
What Culture Teaches Us About Grief
Today’s blog post concerns grief in 2012. How do you grieve compared to other ethnicities in other countries or across the street? Senior Consultant at the Hospice Foundation of America, KENNETH...
The Truth about Pain: Dispelling the Myths
Some people think that pain is a natural part of aging or illness – that is a myth. There is almost always a reason for the pain and most physical pain...