Our HPCG Social Workers
Today is World Social Work Day! Also, for those that are not aware, the month of March is Social Work Month giving opportunities for all social work organizations to promote...
Providing Comfort Care
As a caregiver you may need to provide for all aspects of your loved one or friend’s comfort. In addition to ensuring your loved one’s physical comfort, you can also...
How To Talk To Your Doctor About Advanced Care Planning
It’s natural to many of us to avoid talking about end-of-life. Because of this many of us avoid speaking to our doctors about what type of end-of-life care we would...
Reminders For Adults Caring For Grieving Children & Youth
The wide range of feelings children may show are normal expressions of grief and are usually not signs of disturbed behavior. Sometimes children react by being mad, when indeed, they...
A Hospice Story: Kids Path Team Helps Family Add Life to the Days
James Runde was only three years old when he was diagnosed with a neuroblastoma, cancer of the nervous system. The doctors at Duke Children’s Hospital formulated an aggressive treatment plan...
Key Facts About Hospice Care
What Is Hospice Care? Hospice is not a place but a concept of care that is recognized as the model of quality, compassionate health care delivery for people facing life-limiting illness....
Dealing With Caregiver Stress
When someone close to us begins to face the realities of an advancing illness, many of us will begin to define ourselves as caregivers. Hospice can allow us to do...
Public Awareness About End-of-Life Care Essential
Greensboro, NC—- The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) has issued a new report, Private Conversations and Public Discourse, urging open discussion of end of life care. The report...
Corks for Kids Path Doubles Revenue in 2011
Greensboro, NC——Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro (HPCG) is proud to announce Corks for Kids Path, held February 25, 2011, netted over $60,000 to support Kids Path services. Five- hundred-fifty...