Long-Distance Caregiving

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Helping Your Seriously Ill Loved One Through Difficult Emotions

As your loved one progresses through a serious illness, it’s only natural that he or she will face difficult emotions: fear, anger, sadness and much more. Yet not all people...

Caregiving and Facebook

Facebook is a popular social media tool for connecting with others. Increasingly, people are also using Facebook to keep friends and family updated on a loved one’s health care journey...

Getting the Family Involved in Caregiving

When a loved one’s health declines, caregiving responsibilities tend to fall to one person. In addition to managing appointments, providing basic care and handling health crises, the primary caregiver also...

Technology for the Modern Day Caregiver

As a member of a family that is spread across the country or world, you may find it difficult to keep in touch with everyone and stay connected. As a...

Coping as a Long-Distance Caregiver

By Marina Mails Bereavement Counselor II “I live in Chicago, and my 81 year old father lives in North Carolina. My dad has just been admitted to Hospice and is...

Long-Distance Caregiving

Providing care for a loved one that is not close to home can be difficult. Fortunately, long-distance caregiving is not unusual and there are plenty of options to help care...